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Inter Group Knockout Competition

Inter Group Knockout 2024 - Fixtures



Sunday 9th June 10am Group 8 Essex County BC
Semi-Final Sunday 7th July 10am TBA Essex County BC
Final Sunday 4th August 10am TBA Essex County BC


Group 6 Team - 1st Game - Team selection + Results

Click here to view the Group 6 Intergroup Knockout result for the first game against Group 8 on Sunday 9th June at ECBC

2024 Inter Group Knockout - First Game Result  10th June

Group 6 - 113 shots - Group 8 - 128 shots

A tough first round match against a very strong group. With 5 of our players away on Balcombe Cup duty and several others missing, it was always going to be an uphill task.

The overall score fluctuated between the teams early on and every end was keenly contested.

Unfortunatley Group 8 finished the better over the final ends and ran out winners by 15 shots, 113 - 128

Well done to Dave Dar and Lee Chaplin's rinks on winning their games

A special thanks to Ken Smith who came along as a reserve and replaced Vince O'Connor (back injury) midway through the game.